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Unveiling Workplace Trends: What Employees Really Want

Did you know that according to experts at PwC, millennials are all about those pay raises (74%) and promotions (74%)? Yep, they’re leading the charge compared to Gen Z, Gen X, and boomers.

Here’s the breakdown: 73% of big-shot executives, 70% of managers, and 63% of non-managers worldwide are gearing up to ask for a pay raise.

Kartik Rishi, a Partner at PwC India, says that Indian leaders are catching on. They get that transforming the workforce is a big deal for business success. On the flip side, Indian employees are feeling the heat to upgrade their skills. It’s becoming a game-changer for their careers.

In the mix, PwC’s report spills the beans: 51% of Indian employees think AI will boost their work mojo, way higher than the global average of 31%. But here’s the catch – they want their companies to back them up with upskilling opportunities.

Look into the crystal ball, and 62% of folks believe the skills needed for their jobs will do a makeover in the next five years. Anumeha Singh, another PwC India Partner, spills the tea: employees aren’t just after fat paychecks; they want job satisfaction and speedy career growth to make their dreams come true.

Oh, and here’s the buzzkill – 24% of Indian workers feel AI might mess up their job. That’s 10% more than the global average. And 21% think AI might swipe their jobs entirely, compared to just 13% globally.

In a nutshell, the workforce wants it all – good pay, exciting jobs, and a promise that AI won’t rain on their parade

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