The company wants to launch a safer edition of its Bing search engine that’s designed just for businesses. This new version aims to solve worries about keeping data safe, make people more excited about AI, and improve the competition with Google.

Microsoft has shared that they’ll be adding new smart features powered by artificial intelligence to their widely used office software. However, these enhancements will come with a slightly higher price tag. The company aims to capitalize on the potential benefits of this technology. In addition, Microsoft plans to offer a more secure version of its Bing search engine to businesses, addressing data protection concerns and competing with Google.

At the recent online Inspire conference, Microsoft shared that if customers want to use the AI copilot feature in Microsoft 365, they will have to pay $30 for each person every month. This feature can draft emails in Outlook, create documents in Word, and provide employees with easy access to their data through a chatbot. This improvement adds to the current monthly plans that Microsoft offers, which cost between $12.50 and $57. As a result, a number of Microsoft users might notice their expenses triple.

Jared Spataro, a high-ranking executive at Microsoft, stated that the new tool’s value justifies its cost, as it enhances productivity and enables individuals to accomplish tasks more efficiently. For example, this tool, called “copilot,” can give a short overview of Teams calls. This means people don’t have to take as many notes or go to some meetings. Even though we don’t know exactly how much money this tool will make, around 600 big companies have tried it out since it was first made available in March. However, the AI program is not yet widely available and could be expensive to operate.

Meanwhile, Microsoft is suggesting that businesses consider using Bing Chat Enterprise. Jared Spataro, a high-ranking executive at Microsoft, stated that the new tool’s value justifies its cost, as it enhances productivity and enables individuals to accomplish tasks more efficiently. Unlike the regular Bing that everyone can use, this business version focuses more on keeping data safe and limits who can see and keep user data. To access these extra protections, workers need to sign in using their work information.

This new version of Bing Chat helps with worries about private information getting out to public chatbots. These public bots might be looked at by people or used to make other content using AI tricks.

When asked about user protection on Bing prior to this update, Spataro clarified that Microsoft has always been clear about its privacy policies and is enthusiastic about bringing AI to consumers. The company has also said that now you can put up pictures and look for similar stuff, just like what Google does.

This corporate push for Bing serves multiple purposes, including gaining search advertising share from Google, which currently generates $2 billion in revenue per percentage point gain. Moreover, its goal is to draw in customers to Microsoft 365 Copilot, an enhanced AI service that allows access to business information and tools to ensure compliance.

As per Spataro, this well-thought-out step carries great importance for Microsoft.

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