India’s first solar mission, Aditya L1, has been launched today. It will study the Sun’s activity and its effects on Earth, other planets, and space weather.

India successfully launches Aditya L1 solar mission

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully launched its Aditya L1 solar mission today at 11:50 AM IST from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota. The Aditya L1 mission is India’s first solar mission and will study the Sun’s atmosphere and its effects on Earth’s climate.

The Aditya L1 mission will take about 109 days to reach its final destination, which is a halo orbit around the first Lagrange point (L1) of the Earth and the Sun. The Lagrange point is a gravitationally stable point in space where the gravitational forces of the Earth and the Sun balance each other out. This allows the Aditya L1 spacecraft to remain in the same position relative to the Earth and the Sun without using much fuel.

The Aditya L1 spacecraft will carry seven payloads to study the Sun’s atmosphere. These payloads will measure the Sun’s temperature, density, and composition, as well as its magnetic field. The data collected by these payloads will help scientists to better understand the Sun and its effects on Earth.

The Aditya L1 mission is a major milestone for India’s space program. It is the first Indian mission to study the Sun and will provide valuable insights into our star. The success of this mission will pave the way for future solar missions from India.

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