A special thing might happen in American history. The son of the current president could face legal charges while his father is trying to get re-elected. This might occur when the Republican, Donald Trump, who is also facing three upcoming criminal trials, could be running against his father in the election.

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President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, might be on the path to a trial where he could be accused of committing crimes. This news comes from US Special Counsel David Weiss, who recently took on this important role. This situation could lead to a significant legal conflict right around the time of the 2024 presidential election.

Imagine this: The child of the current president might find themselves in a courtroom facing serious accusations while their father is out campaigning to be re-elected as president. All of this could be unfolding simultaneously with Republican Donald Trump, who is also running for president while dealing with three upcoming criminal trials of his own.

At the same time, members of the Republican party in the House of Representatives are thinking about looking into claims that President Biden gained advantages from his son’s business dealings, even though these claims haven’t been proven true.

Weiss has been investigating Hunter Biden’s actions since 2019. In June, he brought up charges related to taxes and possessing a firearm. However, a federal judge did not agree to a suggested agreement to settle the matter.

Currently, Weiss is stating that discussions between the two groups have not resulted in any agreement. He thinks that the best course of action to solve this issue is to have a trial. This announcement came shortly after U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland gave Weiss more power and independence to continue the investigation.

In July, Hunter Biden said he didn’t avoid paying taxes on earnings of $1.5 million from 2017 to 2018, even though he still owes more than $100,000 in taxes. He’s also dealing with legal problems related to having a firearm while using drugs, which is a serious accusation. In this situation, he hasn’t officially stated whether he’s guilty or not.

Appointee Chosen by Trump

David Weiss was appointed by Trump to be the U.S. Attorney for Delaware. Even when Biden took over, Weiss continued in this role.

Now, in his new job as special counsel, Weiss can bring charges anywhere in the U.S. without being watched by the Justice Department all the time. The Attorney General, Garland, can stop what Weiss wants to do, but this means telling Congress.

Weiss might decide to charge Hunter Biden in Washington or California, where they say he did bad things.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Chris Clark, believes Weiss will be fair and not let politics influence him. Clark really wants a fair result, not one that’s affected by politics.

After Weiss finishes his work, he will write a report. The Justice Department will make this report public as much as they can, according to Garland.

Garland says that choosing Weiss shows how the department is committed to doing things on their own in important matters.

The White House doesn’t agree with the Republicans who say things about Biden and his son doing business in Ukraine and China.

Hunter Biden had problems with drugs before and did many different jobs, like talking to politicians and doing legal work. People know about this.

Some Republicans don’t think Weiss will investigate properly because of things he did before. They think he might not be fair.

Weiss is the third special counsel that Garland has chosen to look into big political issues.

Before this, special counsels checked things like a CIA agent’s identity and Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election.

People want to know what Hunter Biden did in Ukraine when his dad was vice president. People who saw what happened say they didn’t talk about business with his dad.

Trump wants to be president again in 2024. He keeps talking about Hunter Biden to make Joe Biden look bad.

In June, a poll by Reuters/Ipsos said 50% of Americans thought Hunter Biden was treated better than others. But many of these people said it won’t change how they vote next year.

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