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President Xi Jinping of China has pledged to strengthen bonds with Pakistan, but he has also insisted on security assurance from the country. This comes as China is increasingly concerned about the security of its investments in Pakistan, as well as the threat of terrorism from the region.

Why is China concerned about security in Pakistan?

China has invested heavily in Pakistan in recent years, particularly in infrastructure projects such as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The CPEC is a $62 billion project that will connect China’s western Xinjiang province to the Arabian Sea through a network of roads, railways, and pipelines. The CPEC is seen as a key part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which is a massive infrastructure development project that aims to connect China to the rest of the world.

China is also concerned about the threat of terrorism from Pakistan. Pakistan has a long history of terrorism, and the country has been plagued by attacks from groups such as the Taliban and al-Qaeda. In 2017, a terrorist attack on a Chinese embassy in Pakistan killed two Chinese officials.

What is China asking for from Pakistan?

President Xi has called on Pakistan to provide security assurance for Chinese investments in the country. He has also asked Pakistan to do more to combat terrorism.

Pakistan has pledged to provide security for Chinese investments in the country. The Pakistani government has deployed thousands of troops to protect Chinese workers and projects. Pakistan has also cracked down on terrorist groups in the country.

What are the implications of China’s growing ties with Pakistan?

China’s growing ties with Pakistan have implications for the region and beyond. China’s investment in Pakistan is helping to boost the country’s economy and create jobs. However, some critics worry that China’s growing influence in Pakistan could lead to instability in the region.

China’s ties with Pakistan could also have implications for the United States. The United States has long been a close ally of Pakistan, but China has become increasingly important to Pakistan in recent years. The United States is concerned that China’s growing influence in Pakistan could undermine its own interests in the region.


China’s growing ties with Pakistan are a significant development for the region and beyond. China’s investment in Pakistan is helping to boost the country’s economy and create jobs. However, some critics worry that China’s growing influence in Pakistan could lead to instability in the region. China’s ties with Pakistan could also have implications for the United States, which has long been a close ally of Pakistan.

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