Avdiivka Chronicles: Life Amidst Conflict
In the dark of night, a Ukrainian soldier, known as “Taxist,” maneuvers his armored Humvee along the barely visible road to Avdiivka, a town in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region. This former coal hub, now a symbol of prolonged conflict, remains caught between Ukrainian defenders and surrounding Russian forces.
Taxist, a former taxi driver turned volunteer, navigates cautiously, lights off to avoid detection. The road to Avdiivka is fraught with danger, as both artillery and drones from nearby Russian forces pose constant threats.
One night, a near miss with another Ukrainian military vehicle emphasizes the perilous journey. Taxist reflects, “That was close! He could have flashed his headlights; I can’t see anything at this time of day.”
At dawn, Taxist arrives in the Khimik district of Avdiivka, marked by destroyed buildings. The once-thriving town now houses a mere 1,350 residents, down from 30,000 before the conflict.
Avdiivka endures relentless attacks from Russian forces, aiming to surround and capture it. Ukrainian soldiers defend a shrinking area, and the town’s landscape bears the scars of war.
The humanitarian aid center in Avdiivka’s basement, the last bastion of support, welcomes around 15 residents daily. Among them is Oksana, a former executive at a coking and chemical plant. Despite the hardships, she remains steadfast, unwilling to abandon her home of 30 years.
Oleksandre Makarov, a 65-year-old retiree, echoes this sentiment. Living off humanitarian aid in the Khimik district, he resists leaving his hometown, citing deep roots and a lack of alternatives.
Despite the challenges, some residents express resilience. Taxist, on a return journey, safely avoids risky areas, reaching the Skala battalion headquarters. There, they’ve just apprehended five Russian soldiers, including 25-year-old Nikolai, who shares insights into the hardships faced by Russian forces.
The Ukrainian battalion leader, known as “Skala,” acknowledges the intensity of the conflict. He emphasizes the need to justify each attack, acknowledging the limited manpower compared to the Russian army.
The Avdiivka chronicles reflect the resilience of its inhabitants, the challenges of navigating a war-torn landscape, and the ongoing struggle between Ukrainian defenders and Russian forces.